Frigg has had an eventful life and I´m so glad to say most of it has been with me. When she was a puppy I couldn´t keep another dog so she was sold to a breeder in Norway. Shortly after she and her brother Fenrisúlfur left to go to Norway we got an offer for our house and decided to try living in Norway too. We got to keep an eye on her and visit her often the first two years of her life and I always had a special place in my heart for her. She is such a naturally obedient dog with a wonderful character and temperament, so much like her mother Hófi but still quite an individual.
Hófi has a sweet character, she is a smart little girl and the fact that she has been clicker trained from the time she was a puppy at her breeder´s is most likely part of it. She also has many traits from her grandmother Frigg and watching the two of them together can be so funny. But one of the most interesting things with Hófi is the fact that she bites her nails and keeps them trim just like her name sake her great-grandmother. Unfortunately she is quite small and fineboned but her temperament and overall structure is extremely good so I have high hopes that she may produce some nice puppies in future.
I was born in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. I´m an Icelandic citizen now and have been for many years. I love Iceland and it´s really home for me since I came here as a teenager with my family. My family moved back to live in Canada except for my brother David who lives here in Reykjavík.
I am a dog trainer educated in Norway by the Norwegian Kennel Club and also an authorised ringsteward (ringsekretær). I have had the pleasure of ringstewarding at shows for the Icelandic Kennel club during the years and was given the wonderful opportunity to judge Junior handlers in October 2003. It was an unforgetable experience and I am greatful for the trust shown to me by the late Emilía Sigursteinsdóttir and the rest of the board of HRFÍ.