Dogs are smart, alert and ferocious animals in the animal kingdom. But as much as this is possible they are also the type of animals that are very much sensitive as well. It is very much unbelievable to note that the dogs that are termed as the toughest ones are the ones that are sensitive too. Is it hard to believe right? It is not just fun but also a call for you to understand the way you have to see and understand animals. So here we are going to list the top 5 sensitive dog breeds.



American pit bull terrier:

Ok, this name in the first place is sending shock waves inside you. It is not possible for a pit bull terrier to be sensitive. Are we even joking here? Like I said earlier, most people believe that ferocious dogs aren’t sensitive. But the truth is that they are ferocious only because they are sensitive. An American Pit Bull Terrier is very much emotionally attached to its owner. So any threat that would affect the well-being of the owner, is viewed by the dog ferociously.

Australian Shepherd:

Australian Shepherds are again viewed as tough dogs and are way too particular when it comes to protecting their owner. The thing with these tough dogs is that they are boundlessly attached to their owner, and they do not have love left for others. This is the reason why they are tough and ferocious. Needless to say, they are no way less in being emotional when compared to the pit bull terrier.

Border collie:

The Border collie is usually a common breed in the areas of England, and it can live up to a span of 17 years. As we know Border collie belongs to the working class of dogs. They are also known as the herd dogs that stand as guard dogs. Though all classes of animals have some sort of attachment to their owners, they working class usually have it a little less, and they are more trained to hard labor. But the case is quite different here. Border collie is a very sensitive dog and is emotionally attached to its owner.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:

The Cavalier King is a lapdog. It is usually trained to be so, and it fulfills that purpose. This breed looks big and seems a little terrifying, but they are exactly the opposite if how they look. They are very much gentle and kind. The common type of dogs that are used for therapy is also the spaniel breed.  Then you can imagine the level of friendliness and sensitivity inside them.


Again an unbelievable name on the list. While there are so many dog breeds, why would a Rottweiler be on the sensitive list? Yes, Rottweiler is again a very sensitive breed. Though they are unarguably ferocious and are mainly used as guard dogs, they are emotional pups. They get along well with cops, and they remain loyal and are attached to their owners all their life.



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